Sunday, April 2, 2017

Successful Marketing

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

(In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful)

Successful Marketing

It was not easy to convince our department staff about creativity room, however, I was amazed that this room was known by many other divisions in the organization although the room was not announced at DEWA level nor at our division level.

I think that there are many elements lead to reach to this situation. Marketing can be done in many ways. When a new thing or change is in place, people start talking about it in a positive or a negative way. This is considered indirect marketing and this is what happened with creativity room.

Something new will make staff talk and surely this talking won’t be only on department level, but on wider level. This is in addition to the power of social media which is another powerful way of marketing. I’m not sure whether anyone published any photos or videos for creativity room – I’m talking here about phase 1 because the story of phase 2 is something else – but I’m expecting that it spread somehow.

Another important element which supported the reputation of the room is excellence awards. The organization always shows the new things as evidences to win in excellence award and since the room was something new, it was used by different parties as evidence mainly for innovation and team work. I remember that a committee from Dubai Government Excellence Program (DGEP) visited the room – during phase 1 – and was satisfied about the idea of the room.

All these elements made the room more famous and encouraged us to think about improving the room not only by making small changes, but making a revolution!!!

It is important to say that if we had not succeeded in phase 1, the management wouldn’t have approved to go with phase 2. I’m sure that the management were satisfied with the idea more than staff, so it led us to start thinking about phase 2.

I’m sharing all these experiences in order to benefit anyone wants to apply any new project or implement an idea. In every post, I’m mentioning some success elements which I think most of them are common for all projects.

See you in the next post Insha’Allah J

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