Monday, April 25, 2016

Examples of Successful Team Work Activities

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

(In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful)

(Examples of Successful Team Work Activities)

In the last post, I wrote about the second objective of creativity room which is (Successful Team Work) and I mentioned that I will provide some examples of the activities which we are running in the room to serve this objective.

Before I start to provide examples, I want to state that some activities which are provided in the room are serving more than one objective, sometimes two or three objectives. That means that the same objective will be used to learn successful team work, creative thinking and positive energy.

For the successful team work, we have number of activities provided in the room. The first one is called (Carpet and colored balls) where participants will be provided with a carpet which has colored holes. Each team member will be holding the carpet from one side and the objective will be ensuring the balls would fall in their related colored hole.

There are five levels in this game. In every level, the number of balls will be increased according to that level (Level 1 = 1 ball, level 2 = 2 balls, level 3 = 3 ball…etc.). The team will be given 10 minutes to complete the five levels.

Where is the team work in this activity? The team can’t success without following successful team work elements. I want to state also that we concentrate on certain elements of successful team work when running any activity related to team work. These elements are:
·         - Leadership (Selection and effectiveness of the team leader).
·        -  Effective Communication between members.
·         - Role Distribution between members.
·         - Planning and setting clear objectives and target.
·         - Time Management.

Many other elements are discussed during the activity also, but we concentrate more on the above and ensure that they are applied in the game.

Personally, I noticed that successful teams followed the above elements while the teams which failed missed some of the elements.

This activity is so exciting and enjoyable. At the same time, it is a powerful tool to learn the successful team work elements.

More examples of activities will be in the next post Insha’Allah J